Bubs Daddy Bait Aerator 4 Battery USB C

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  • Regular price $95.95


  • Medical Grade Pump
  • Adjustable voltage speed controller 
  • Four 18650 Size 3.7v Li‐on Battery Holder in parallel WITH BATTERIES

  • Plano 3400 Series Waterproof Case
  • Charge Port WITH CHARGE CORD
  • Nano Bubble Air Diffuser, Check Valve and Tubing

Bubs Daddy Bait Aerators are designed to give you a quiet fishing experience and fresh lively bait all day long. Buy your bait the night before and fish all day with the 3.7v Lithium Ion 18650 sized batteries.

The medical grade pump is quiet and powerful with a speed controller to get just the right amount of oxygen to your bait easy. Just dial the voltage to suit your size bait cooler, bucket or live well. At 1.5 volts, you can aerate an Engle 30 quart cooler and barely hear the unit run.

New version has a USB C charge port and internal board over/under volt protection to refill those batteries and even run the unit while you charge.  

Note: As you raise the voltage, sound will increase.

Batteries and Charge cord ARE included in this package.